Oct 24, 2007

The Two Witnesses

The Two Witnesses of the Book of Revelation
Danny McDowell

Revelation 11:3-12

It is declared of the “TWO WITNESSES” of Revelation 11 that they are “Jewish Evangelists (probably Moses and Elijah) who go throughout the earth preaching the Gospel of Salvation and millions will be saved at their witnessing.”

Let’s see what the Bible says about the TWO WITNESSES!

The Two Witnesses

Since there is little information in this passage in regard to the “TWO WITNESSES,” we must be careful to examine what IS there.

1) Revelation 11:3

They prophecy 1260 days (the precise amount of time during the Great Tribulation)

2) Revelation 11:4

They are representing “TWO Olive Trees and TWO Candlesticks before the God of the Earth.”

3) Revelation 11:5-6

They have the power to:

  • Devour their enemies by fire.
  • Cause the rain to cease for 1260 days.
  • Turn waters to blood.
  • Smite the earth with plagues, ad lib.

4) Revelation 11:7

  • They have a testimony.
  • The beast will make war with them and kill them after 1260 days.

5) Revelation 11:8-12

  • Their dead bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem.
  • The people of the earth will witness their dead bodies for 3 ½ days.
  • It will be “Forbidden” to bury them.
  • They are resurrected from the dead after 3 ½ days.
  • Great fear falls upon those who saw them.

This is the totality of information regarding the TWO WITNESSES.


Will the Two Witnesses be Jews?


Probably a Jew and Gentile because of the representation of the “Olive Trees (Jews) and Candlesticks (Gentiles). There is NO clear indication either way!


Are they Moses and Elijah?


Probably Not. How can you Kill someone who already has a resurrected body? Remember “THE MOUNT OF TRANSFIGURATION” when the disciples witnessed Moses and Elijah with the Lord?

Matthew 17:1-6


Will they go throughout the earth “preaching the Gospel?”


No. Their activities are restricted to Jerusalem.


What will be their ministry?


To Judge, and execute Judgment. To reveal what God tells them (their testimony).


Will millions be saved through their ministry?


NO – they bring Judgment!

There is absolutely NOTHING to support the fanciful descriptions laid out be pre-tribulationists. The passage of Revelation 11:4-12 is the Totality of information on this element of Revelation Eschatology, however, it is not unusual or peculiar that the vendors of pre-tribulationism should embellish this passage.

Modus Operandi? No Change!

Moses and Elijah evangelizing the work during the Great Tribulation?


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