Nov 22, 2007

Pre Trib Destruction of Babylon

By Danny McDowell
June 4, 2006

“and they [the TEN KINGS who shall arise] shall lay Babylon waste, and burn her with
fire, and shall give their kingdom to the Beast, AND PUT THE CHURCH TO FLIGHT” Irenaeus [Against heresies,V.26]"

I thought I would put my understanding of future events into a broader apologetic than I have in recent letters. I believe this is a CRITICAL matter in light of current world political, commercial, and military events. Many Christians with a nominal understanding of Bible Prophecy, have an inkling that events currently underway in the middle east are some how prophetic, but they are not quite sure of the context. They have a scattered knowledge of future events that somehow involves Israel, and the Palestinians. They also believe that Russia, Iran, and other Islamic nations will be involved in some kind of conflagration, with Israel at the center of the conflict. Most believe that the Church will be “RAPTURED” prior to these events, so the events themselves hold no real significance to them, hence their lack of interest in those events.

Because we; of the Post-Tribulation slant, are fully aware that the Church [at large] will be purified in, and ultimately gathered out of the GREAT TRIBULATIONCOMING EVENTS is important regarding the decisions that we make in the near future. A discourse in Post-Tribulationism would be a pointless endeavor at this time. The time of the GREATDECEPTION, and subsequent “FALLING AWAY” are at hand; and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, along with various hybrids of Dominionism certainly fit into that afore mentioned departure from the truth. At some point in time we must dust off our heels, and cease our efforts to dissuade them. At that time; God himself will prevent them from turning from THE LIE [II Thess.2:10-11-12]. [Rev.7:13-14],------an understanding of the chronology of certain

Now is the time to search the scriptures. Now is the time to discover more than we now know. There is an entity described in the New Testament as-----MYSTERY BABYLON; THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS [Rev.17:5]. She is described as being “THAT GREAT CITY, which rules over the Kings of the Earth” [Rev.17:18, Rev. 18:10,18, and 21]. She is the greatest IMPORT NATION that has ever existed on the face of the whole Earth. Her great seaports DWARF the great seaports of the past. There has never been a city, like THIS great city [Rev.18:18]. Her importance to me as a member of the Body of Christ is revealed in verse 4 of Rev.18 [the discourse on Mystery Babylon]. Who ever, or what ever she [Babylon] represents---------I AM SUPPOSE TO FLEE FROM HER. If her representation in scripture is allegorical, then perhaps my departure is simply a “spiritual departure” or something of a less tangible nature. Perhaps it is something of a “personal matter” rather than a “collective understanding” in the Body Universal. The discovery of the truth of this “matter” is ESSENTIAL to the corresponding reaction in obedience to God.

Let’s leave her identity for now, and move on to the chronology of events surrounding MYSTERY BABYLON; THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS.

There are TWO major entities to address in the passage of Rev.17, and 18. They are 1]-----MYSTERY BABYLON, and 2]----THE BEAST. There are also sub-categories to the Beast, i.e. ----seven heads, and ten horns. We need not specifically identify these entities to discover the chronology of events concerning them. We need only to know that they are INDEED separate in their identity, and function. We have already ascertained that MYSTERY BABYLON [the Harlot], is the greatest import “city/or nation” that ever existed. There is no doubt of this.

Now we move on to THE BEAST. He has SEVEN HEADS-----and TEN HORNS. There is no hesitance on the part of modern eschatologists to declare the “ABSOLUTE IDENTITY” [in their minds], of the Seven Heads, and Ten Horns. Some explanations are derivatives of the out-dated eschatology of the Church Reformers. History itself has proven them wrong. We will evade their identities for now. We do not NEED to know WHO these sub-entities are. We simply need to know how they are connected to THE WHORE of Rev.17, and 18.

We see in Rev. 17/18, that the Whore is a very PROUD CITY. She declares “I SIT AS A QUEEN, AND SHALL [future tense] SEE NO SORROW” Rev.18:7. This declaration alone causes difficulty in that premise that her demise follows the vast destructions of the Trumpet, and Vial events of Revelation------She “sits as a Queen-----and SHALL SEE NO SORROW”? Hardly the declaration of a nation who has suffered the devastation described under the SEVEN TRUMPETS, and SEVEN VIALS of the book of Revelation. What is her relationship to the BEAST?

The BEAST in this passage, is burdened by a RIDER. The RIDER of the BEAST, is none other than THE WHORE [Rev.17:3]. There can be no doubt that there are two individual entities in this passage-----The WHORE, and the BEAST. Their relationship, one to another, becomes obvious as we move on.

THE TEN HORNS [of the Beast]
The TEN HORNS [ten Kings] of the BEAST [Rev.17:12-13], HATE THE WHOREMAKE HER DESOLATE-------EAT HER FLESH-------and BURN HER WITH FIRE [Rev.17:16---Rev.18:8, Rev.18:17], “for GOD HAS PUT IT INTO THEIR HEARTS TO FULFILL HIS WILL” [Rev.17:17]. Here we must address the reference to Babylon of Rev.16:19 as well. We know that God himself remembers “great Babylon” following the SEVENTH VIAL [Rev.16:19].. We must remember that AN ANGEL; [one of the angels that had poured out a vial in that portion of John’s vision], ---------now talks to John and says “come with me and I will SHOW YOU the judgment of THE GREAT WHORE. Some prophecy students mistakenly believe that the “Babylon of Rev.16:19 is synonymous to MYSTERY BABYLON of Rev. 17, and 18. This is not possible since the destruction of “MYSTERY BABYLON” comes at the hands of TEN KINGS/HORNS of THE BEAST [Rev.17:16-17] at the behest of GOD HIMSELF. The destruction of MYSTERY BABYLON comes at a time when she proudly declares “I SIT AS A QUEEN, AND SHALL SEE NO HARM” [Rev18:7], and her destruction comes IN ONE HOURBabylon of Rev.16:19 simply COMES INTO GOD’S REMEMBERANCEMYSTERY BABYLON” is “burned with fire” at the height of her delusion. More on this to follow. [Rev.17:16]. They shall [Rev.18:8, and 10]! as he concludes his punishment of the earth. It is clear that “

1] John is shown a WHORE; identified as “MYSTERY BABYLON”

2] Babylon is described as “THAT GREAT CITY” that reigns over the Kings of the earth. She has committed whoredoms with those Kings.

3] Babylon, [the GREAT CITY], rides upon a BEAST




7] Her desolation comes SUDDENLY-----in ONE HOUR/DAY

Babylon IS NOT Rome, or the Roman Church; though the Roman Church is certainly guilty of whoredoms, greed, and the killing of millions of God’s elect in the peak of her power-----------she is certainly NOT in that position today. As a matter of FACT, she [the Roman Church] is the most likely candidate for the FALSE PROPHET, and the FALSE PROPHET will be SUBJECT TO the FIRST BEAST [Rev.13:11-14].

Babylon is NOT a WORLDWIDE commercial “SYSTEM”. She is identified in the passage as “THAT GREAT CITY which rules over the Kings of the earth”. She IS NOT, nor will she ever be------THE NEW WORLD ORDER! She will be destroyed by the TEN KINGS of THE BEAST. He-----------THE BEAST-----will be the leader of THE NEW WORLD ORDER after Mystery Babylon has been destroyed; hence the rhetorical question: “WHO SHALL MAKE WAR WITH THE BEAST?”.

Babylon is NOT the AMERICAN CHURCH, though the American church can, with certainty, be indicted for TREACHERY, THEFT, MURDER, and THE KILLING OF GOD’S ELECT, both physically, and spiritually. BABYLON THE GREAT is “THAT GREAT CITY which rules over the Kings of the earth”. Babylon is the greatest COMMERCIAL ENTITY the world has ever seen. BABYLON is a CITY/NATION existing prior to the GREAT TRIBULATION [apologetics to follow].

The Beast is NOT THE POPE. Such notions are based in Reformation Theology. It is certainly understandable that the Reformers believed that the Bishops of Rome were Anti Christs. After all, they [the reformers] had been persecuted, and murdered by that acclaimed “VICAR OF CHRIST” for such “egregious offences” as actually BAPTISING in a manner compliant with the New Testament, and as we well know-----adherence to the New Testament was/is ANATHEMA to the BISHOPS OF ROME. The Roman Church has been labeled with both titles of “antichrist” and “false prophet” specifically because that heretical institution well deserves both, BUT---------The ROMAN CHURCH IS NOT THE BEAST! The BEAST of Rev.17 is MILITARILY CAPABLE of destroying Mystery Babylon “IN ONE DAY” [Rev. 18:8]. The Roman Church has no such capabilities.

The Beast is NOT AMERICA. Some believe that America is THE BEAST of Rev.17. This CANNOT BE! If the BEAST is America, then WHO may I ask, are the TEN HORNS/KINGS of the “American Beast”? How is it that these TEN KINGS of the “American” BEAST, will turn and devour THE WHORE??? Although America certainly fits SOME ASPECTS of the description, and conduct of THE BEAST--------the context of the passage itself [Rev.17/18] dismisses any such notion. Babylon the Great is THAT GREAT CITY------and TEN KINGS will arise to destroy her [Babylon] and give their power UNTO THE BEAST Rev.17:13] who will then persecute THE CHURCH for forty two months. America cannot be THE BEAST!

There are some who boldly proclaim that the “Babylons” of Rev.17, and 18 are separate entities. The most popular view is that Rev, 17 represents “SPIRITUAL BABYLON”---------whereas Rev.18 represents a “NATIONAL BABYLON”. One apologist proclaims: Since John declares “AFTER THESE THINGS I saw another angel come down from heaven--------------“Rev.18:1, this conclusively proves that the events of Rev.17, are separated in time by the events of Rev. 18---------NONSENSE!

Rev. 17:1 “the GREAT WHORE that sits on many waters”

17:15 “the WATERS which thou sawest, WHERE THE WHORE SITTETH, are PEOPLES, and MULTITUDES, and NATIONS, and TONGUES”

17:18 “and the WOMAN that thou sawest IS THAT GREAT CITY which reigneth over THE KINGS OF THE EARTH”.


Rev.18:18b “what CITY is like unto this GREAT CITY?”

18:21b “thus with violence shall THAT GREAT CITY---BABYLON be thrown down-------“

There can be NO DOUBT that the “GREAT CITY” of Rev.17:18 is clearly THESAME as “THAT GREAT CITY” of Rev.18:10----18----and 21-----:”that sits overPEOPLLES, MULTITUDES, NATIONS, TONGUES” Rev.17:18.

Rev.17:1 “with whom the KINGS OF THE EARTH have committed Fornication-------“

Rev.18:3b “and THE KINGS OF THE EARTH have committed Fornication with her----------“

Rev.18:9a “and THE KINGS OF THE EARTH who have committed Fornication with her-----------“

Rev.17:2b “made drunk with the WINE OF HER FORNICATION”

Rev.18:3 “for all nations have drunk of the WINE OD THE WRATH

Rev. 18:23b “for BY THY SORCERIES were all the nations of the earth


Can you see that the Babylon of Rev.17, is CLEARLY the SAME as that of Rev.18? It’s the WHOLE ENCHALADA FOLKS----------CHURCH and STATE. God will put into the hearts of TEN KINGS [world leaders] to “make her desolate, naked, eat her flesh, and BURN HER WITH FIRE” Rev. 17:16, Rev.18:8, Rev.18:18, Rev.18:19. Who ever she is--------------GOD IS TICKED OFF!

Rev.17 is an OVERALL PORTRAIT of Mystery Babylon in relation to the BEAST, and the TEN HORNS/KINGDOMS of the BEAST; whereas Rev.18 is an INSIDE LOOK at MYSTERY BABYLON, which allows the reader, as a CITIZEN of BABYLON, to identify her at the END OF THE AGE. How can one heed the command of Rev.18:4, if one does not KNOW of a certainty exactly WHO, or WHAT one is to “FLEE” from? Rev.18 may be of profound interest to the Church Universal, but to the CHURCH [the Elect] of Babylon, it [Rev.18] is profoundly PERSONAL. We, of Babylon, are to FLEE into that Church Universal, which is scattered throughout the earth;. Not to be in COMFORT and wealth as that Laodacean WHORE that has been destroyed within Mystery Babylon, but as the Church of the GREAT TRIBULATION---------to be harassed, and martyred under the heavy hand of THE BEAST, and finally to plea along with our sibling Elect from beneath the ALTER of the FIFTH SEAL-----“how long , O Holy, and True, dost thou NOT judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”

Those who believe that WE who FLEE Babylon, are simple-minded cowards, who “cut and run” when the going gets tough, have spent little time in studying the TRIBULATION OF THE SAINTS. I do not look forward to this great testing [the Great Tribulation]. I am not as brave as some of those who declare with great BRAVADO, that THEY will remain IN BABYLON to it’s destruction----------THEY will NEVER be martyrs, because they will perish in disobedience to Rev.18:4. They may well be raised ----at THE LAST TRUMP, but they will never receive WHITE ROBES with their brethren under the ALTER of the FIFTH SEAL. To me; it is more threatening to FLEE into the GREAT TRIBULATION, than to be SUDDENLY DESTROYED in the catastrophe that will befall BABYLON THE GREAT. Make no mistake-------those who flee Babylon will face THE BEAST---------eyeball to eyeball, and their flight will be for FORTY TWO MONTHS unless shortened through martyrdom.


Pre-Trib verses Post-Trib

Now I’ll attempt a scriptural comparison of Babylon [Rev.17/18,], and Babylon [Rev.16].

Babylon Rev.17/18 is DESTROYED BY TEN KINGS. She is

A. Desolated

B. Naked

C. Flesh eaten

D. Burned with fire

E. Destroyed in one “hour/day”

F. Mourned by the merchants of the earth

G. Lamented by the shipping industry

H. Forsaken by God’s Elect

Babylon Rev.16 is “remembered by God” and there was

A. An earthquake

B. The great city is divided

C. Every island fled away

D. The mountains were not found

May I ask: Where do God’s “people” FLEE TO [Rev.18:4]-------with all the mountains leveled, and every island has disappeared. Who is it that THE BEAST will “persecute” at THE END of the FORTY TWO MONTHS?

Babylon of Rev.17/18 reveals;

A. The sea-merchants mourn their losses [18;9-10-15-19]

B. There is no mention of grief concerning loss of life

C. There is NO OTHER destruction mentioned

D. It is “the ABUNDANCE OF HER DELICASIES” that is grieved

E. TEN KINGS have destroyed her

Babylon of Rev.16:18-21 reveals:

A. Divided into three parts

B. Cities and nations fall

C. Islands fled away

D. Mountains fall

E. Great hail out of heaven

F. Men blaspheme God because of THE HAIL

Can you see the difference? Do you understand that BABYLON THE GREAT has been destroyed PRIOR TO

A. The grievous sores of the 1st vial

B. The sea becomes blood “and EVERY LIVING SOUL DIED at the 2nd vial

C. The RIVERS and FOUNTAINS became blood at the 3rd vial

D. Men are SCORCHED WITH FIRE at the 4th vial

E. The KINGDOM OF THE BEAST IS DARKENED, and they gnawed their tongues for their pain under the 5th vial

F. The Kings of the earth are gathered for final destruction


How can one believe that BABYLON THE GREAT is simply PERKING ALONG in it’s incredible economy, and stating “I SHALL SEE NO SORROW” while the whole earth is being emptied of man and beast---------and THENand THEN the SEA MERCHANTS mourn her destruction?-------WHAT SEA MERCHANTS?---------EVERY LIVING SOUL in the sea was destroyed under the SECOND VIAL Rev.16:3. Take a good look at the timeline of the FIFTH, and SIXTH TRUMPETS; “that they should be TORMENTED FIVE MONTHS” Rev.9:5b, and “and the four angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, FOR TO SLAY THE THIRD PART OF MEN” Rev.9:15. In these two TRUMPET EVENTS alone, we have ONE AND ONE HALF YEARS OF HORROR described, where A THIRD of mankind are slain. Now picture Babylon the Great; perking right along through these two TRUMPET events; saying “I sit as a queen, AND SHALL SEE NO HARM!”. Not possible! Babylon is destroyed?--------

Do you see that a Post-Trib destruction of Babylon the Great is impossible? Just as Irenaeus has stated “TEN KINGS” will destroy Babylon, and give their power unto the BEAST, and he [the Beast] will persecute the Church for FORTY TWO MONTHS.


Many Prophecy students [myself included] believe that there are numerous passages in the Old Testament which elude to MYSTERY BABYLON of the New Testament. Here are just a couple of those passages

Isaiah 18 “Woe to the nation shadowing with wings---------------Verse 5------“AFORE THE HARVEST, when the BUD IS PERFECT, and the grape is RIPENING IN THE FLOWER, he [God] shall both CUT OFF THE SPRIGS WITH PRUNNING HOOKS, AND TAKE AWAY AND CUT DOWN THE BRANCHES”. To those of you that have studied this prophecy in prophetic context, you are among MANY that believe that this passage alludes to the U.S.A. Note that the preceding chapter describes the destruction of Damascus------IN ONE DAY! Coincidence? I think not. As a result of the coming attacks on Syria, and Iran-----------the WHORE WILL BURN.

Isaiah 47 speaks to the SUDDEN DESTRUCTION of the Daughter of BABYLON. The similarities between the Babylon of this passage, and that of Revelation 17/18 are just astounding. Both of these passages describe A SUDDEN DESTRUCTION of Babylon, and in NO WAY resembles that of Rev.16:19.

Rev.14:6 opens a parenthetical revelation to John. What is a “parenthetical” revelation? A “parenthetical” passage is a portion of scripture that seems “LIFTED OUT” of the context of the preceding text for the purpose of ISOLATING a particular message, or point. Perhaps the best example of this would be Rev.12 where the imagery of ISRAEL, CHRIST, SATAN are “LIFTED OUT” of the chronology of the preceding text. This also applies to the events of Rev.14:6 to 11.

Verse 6] FIRST ANGEL---the “EVER LASTING GOSPEL” is preached in all The earth.

Verse 8] SECOND ANGEL------- “Babylon is fallen, THE GREAT CITY”

Verse 9] THIRD ANGEL---------the MARK OF THE BEAST

The chronology of these events leaves no room for doubt. The Gospel is being freely preached in the earth-------TO ALL. Babylon the Great FALLS, and the BEAST KINGDOM arises-------the MARK OF THE BEAST. It simply cannot be circumstantial that THIS PASSAGE [Rev.14:6-10] mirrors EXACTLY the words of Irenaeus posted at the opening of this work. Irenaeus was the disciple of the blessed Polycarp. Polycarp was the disciple of John [the revelator]. Are we to believe that Irenaeus, only one generation removed from the REVELATOR himself, is mistaken in his statement of chronology? Can the views of modern eschatologists be regarded as SUPERIOR to that of the DIRECT APOSTOLIC DECENDANT of JOHN? I think not.


Whoever she is------the merchants of the earth are going to grieve their losses

Whoever she is------she will be destroyed in ONE DAY

Whoever she is-----she is the greatest nation that has ever existed on earth.

Whoever she is-----God has come to hate her.

Whoever she is------she will NEVER RISE AGAIN.

Whoever she is------God has commanded----COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE”.

“and they [the ten kings that shall arise] shall lay Babylon waste, and burn her with fire, and shall give their kingdom to the Beast, AND PUT THE CHURCH TO FLIGHT” Irenaeus----disciple of Polycarp,-----disciple of John. .

“and there was given unto him [the Beast] a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue FORTY AND TWO MONTHS; and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle [the Church], and them that dwell in heaven; and it was given unto him to make WAR WITH THE SAINTS, and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, AND NATIONS, and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” Revelation 13:5-10.



A. Comes with “DARKNESS and NO LIGHT”




E. ALL HEARTS will fail with fear

F. It is FUTILE to attempt to escape that day

It is simply UNREASONABLE to believe that BABYLON Rev.17/18 is in existence AFTER, or during the DAY OF THE LORD--------“I sit as a QUEEN, and SHALL SEE NO SORROWS”?? She will be destroyed PRIOR TO the FORTY TWO MONTHS of the reign of Anti-Christ.

It is my belief that Babylon will be destroyed at the opening of the Gog/Magog conflict. It is clear to me that Israel is ON HER OWN at the outset of this war. There is absolutely NOTHING to indicate that “AMERICA” is RESISTING an ALL OUT ASSAULT on Israel. Can we believe that America stands IDLY BY as the Islamic hoards of Ezekiel 38 come CRASHING across IRAN, IRAQ, and SYRIA to invade Israel without even a PUFF of resistance?------and yet THAT is what MUST HAPPEN if America has not been dealt with prior to this massive troop movement across the deserts, and into Israel. That scenario is BEYOND REASON. Some have suggested that when God “calls for a sword” against Gog-----that this “SWORD” is in fact AMERICA. So now I am to believe that AmericaALLOWS MAGOG to destroy TWO THIRDS of the Jewish NationAmerica is NOT IN THIS PASSAGE because America has been NEUTRALIZED at the outset of the GOG/MAGOG conflict. There is an abundance of scripture to support this position, but my focus is in the Book of Revelation, so I will not expound further regarding Gog/Magog and America. sits by and before entering into the conflict-------------NONSENSE!

It is not my intention to open debate, or discussion as to the identity of MYSTERY BABYLON, or the chronology of events concerning her. I simply ask that you read , and consider this paper. I do not portend to hold the truth in all things of Bible prophecy. I do however, place my belief system in subjection to the “emphatic” of the Word of God, and attempt to use the “vague” as a “filler” around the results of my discoveries.

I do not wish to offend those who disagree with this chronology of events, My concern is in regard to “TIMING”. How much “TIME” is there remaining? How long do we [the Elect of God] have to go over, and over this topic of MYSTERY BABYLON ? If you have decided [as I], that the United States of America is IN FACT--------MYSTERY BABYLON, then your NEXT DISCOVERY should certainly be “WHEN” in the eschatological scheme of things, Babylon will fall. I hope this paper can help you in this decision.

Danny McDowell

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